[EXOTIGE] 1.5.0 become the standards numbers for exosome ( en_News & Event )

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[EXOTIGE] 1.5.0 become the standards numbers for exosome

Umbrella 0 2021-08-11 11:17:39 919

If you're interested in skincare these days, you've probably heard of exosomes.

But what are exactly these exosome products that pouring out over there?


"What is exosome?"


Exosomes are nano-vesicles secreted from stem cells and are rich in substances related to regeneration, anti-inflammatory, and immunomodulation.

It is a substance newly used for overall skin improvement such as pore treatment, elasticity improvement, and moisturizing.





'If exosomes have such an excellent efficacy, does this mean I can choose any exosome products?'

Of course not. First of all, not all “exosome” products may contain 'real' exosomes. 


''Then which exosome should I choose for my skin?"

If you want a miraculous skin change Just remember three things.

1 . 5 . 0 


15 billion particles

5 key strengthening ingredients

0 percent blending 

"15 billion particles to brighten the entire skin"

"The golden ratio of various active ingredients, including five key growth factors, allows exosomes to exert stronger power into the skin."

"Freeze-dried pure exosomes without mixing of the culture medium, certified by a mixing ratio of 0%"

Center of exosomes

150 skin booster Exotige

#150booster #onefivezerobooster #150exosome #15billionbooster #exotige




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